News from Head of Department, week 10
Published: 10 March 2020
Dear KV!
- During the week, the national and local Covid-19 situation has been at the centre of attention. During Friday afternoon, the Rector announced a further tightening of the University's guidelines.
- The information is also available on the employee website and all employees are asked to continuously update themselves on SLU's guidelines there. Jan Hultgren calls for special reflection on the arrangements for upcoming defences of licentiate and doctoral dissertations.
- Last Wednesday, there was a meeting with KV's management team and the protocol is found here:
- Next Thursday (12/3), there is environmental audit at KV and I hope there will be order in both the labs and other premises. Go, Go, Go!
Next Friday we round off at 14:00 with Lena Tamminen's nailing. Welcome!
During week 11 I will be at SLU all days.
Best regards!
Please note and study this week's comprehensive information (6 mails) about research funding!
Below are the week's compiled information points:
- Linnaeus-Palme partnership application 2020 opens!
- The application period has been opened for 2020 grant funds at the VH Faculty!
- Grants Office Newsletter – containing announcements, information meetings and specific information points.
- JPIAMR has three calls for antibiotic resistance open now.
- Information from the research secretaries at VH - compiled information on calls and similar research information that has come to the faculty
- Information about holding doctoral courses at the SLU course organizer's guide
- Seminar on STINT´s funding for mobility and work with responsible internationalization.