
Policy for staff onboard R/V Svea regarding the corona virus

Published: 04 March 2020

Special rules apply for crew, survey participants and anyone else visiting Svea to avoid contagion and cancelled surveys.

For all staff onboard Svea the following apply:

  • you are not allowed onboard if you have symptoms, even mild, like cough, sore throat, rhinitis or fever. 
  • you have to wait at least 48 hours after the symptoms are gone before you come onboard.
  • remain at home if anyone in your household has contracted covid-19, or has symptoms.

Please note that your employers policy and regulations also appply when working onboard Svea. If the policies differ, the stricter ones apply.

Update March 19, 2020: Every survey leader is responsible for making sure that all survey participants are symptom free. Anyone who has symptoms shall, as normally, remain at home.

Update March 12, 2020: Because of the recent development, the Swedish goverment's decision to ban major gatherings, and the Swedish Maritime Administration's updated guidelines, the Ship Management Unit has decided on a new policy for R/V Svea. As a consequence of the recent development the planned public events during spring have also been cancelled.

The following applies: 

  • We are cancelling all visits to the vessel that aren't necessary. This includes both internal and external visits.
  • An assessment in made in every specific case by the Ship Management Unit and the Swedish Maritime Administration regarding repairs and other technical work. 
  • Only staff without symptoms is allowed onboard.
  • Events planned for spring, e.g. open day, have been cancelled and postponed indefinitely.
