SLU news

Annual account 2019

Published: 20 February 2020

The 2019 results for the NJ Faculty were SEK -18 million. The budget stated a deficit of about SEK 59 million. The difference between the results and budget correspond to about 3 per cent. Primarily, revenue was higher than planned.

The faculty's total balanced capital corresponds to 9 per cent of the turnover at the end of 2019. As a whole, the faculty is therefore within the allowed interval of -3 per cent to 10 per cent.

The number of full-time equivalent employees was an average of 992. During the past five years, the faculty has increased with 99 full-time equivalents.

In total, the faculty produced a total of 1,130 full-time equivalent students in 2019, which was 25 persons fewer than the stated assignment. However, compared to 2018, the number has increased by 41.

In research and doctoral education, the faculty was tasked with awarding 38.75 qualifications. In total, the faculty awarded 34 qualifications in 2019.


Patrik Pederson
Faculty Financial Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU, +46 18 671033