
New Open Access Agreements with Elsevier and Wiley

Published: 09 January 2020

The Swedish library consortium, in which SLU participates, has entered two new agreements with the scientific publishers Elsevier and Wiley. Both agreements state that any fees associated with open access publishing (APCs) are paid for centrally by the institution of the corresponding author instead of the authors themselves.

For Elsevier, the agreement is valid for articles submitted after January 1st 2020. It covers APC fees in about 2000 journals on the platform Science Direct. In addition, the agreement covers journals published by Cell Press, accessed on the same platform.

For Wiley, the agreement covers APCs for articles accepted after January 1st 2020, in about 1400 hybrid journals and 150 pure open access journals on the platform Wiley Online Library.

Both agreements are valid for the years 2020-2022. In addition to publishing, the agreement also covers reading rights on both of the publisher’s platforms.

Complete lists of included journal titles for both agreements can be found on the library’s web:

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