SLU IT-Servicedesk
Tel: 018-67 66 00
(+46-18-67 66 00 when calling from outside Sweden)
Open 08.00-16.00
The changes affect all Adobe software, including Acrobat Pro, Photoshop and Illustrator.
SLU has signed a new license agreement with Adobe, which the Division of IT will activate on 26 September 2019. The agreement means that:
Adobe goes from licensing computers to licensing individual users, so-called Named User licensing. This has both advantages and disadvantages, but it is not something that Swedish higher education institutions can influence.
On 26 September, the Division of IT will activate you as a user in the agreement, and you will receive a welcoming email from Adobe. Please ignore this email.
NB: You need to follow the Division of IT's instructions below, and not the instructions in Adobe's email!
No, they will continue to work for a while, but the licenses will expire during this autumn, so it is best to switch to the new agreement directly.
If you have any questions, plaease contact the IT support (IT-stöd) or your local IT coordinator.
Tel: 018-67 66 00
(+46-18-67 66 00 when calling from outside Sweden)
Open 08.00-16.00