
Grants for research support in the area of biological control

Published: 22 August 2019

CBC allocates a total of SEK 600 000 to support three to five research projects within biological control at SLU. The last day to apply is 16 September.

The projects can be either scientific literature reviews or aim to test new ideas in a pilot project. All SLU researchers are welcome to give suggestions on projects in these areas.

Proposals in all directions of biological control are welcome (see for definitions). We are happy to receive proposals in less common application areas and methods. New research collaborations are encouraged.

To apply

  • The application should be a maximum of one A4 page and contain a clearly motivated research question, timetable and general budget.
  • The application should be sent to CBC by email: at the latest 16 September 2019

Decisions on allocation of grants are made by CBC’s steering group in mid-October 2019. The granted projects are expected to start in December 2019. All projects must be reported to CBC by March 2021 at the latest. In additon, a popular science summary shall be written and will be published on CBC’s web page.

Contact, 018 - 67 2450