
Friendly reminder from IT to upgrade to Office 2016

Published: 02 July 2019

Office 2016 has been available for 5 years, and Microsoft no longer supports any older versions of the Office.

With Office 2016 you can for instance: 

- Book video conference rooms in Outlook

- Use the official office templates for SLU

If you have a standard computer provided by IT-support with Office 2013, you are able to perform the upgrade yourself by completing the following steps: 

Start Software center from the start menu

  • Tick the box for Office 2016
  • Click the button Install in the lower right hand corner

If you run into any problems, please contact IT-support (or your IT-coordinator) to get help reinstalling Office 2016.

If you do not have a standard computer, you are not able to upgrade yourself from Software Center. Please ask IT-support or your IT-coordinator to install Office manually.  

Do I have the latest version of Office?

Your office programs will display the current version on your computer. Open your start menu and locate Word. If it’s labeled 2016, you have the latest version.


IT-support, SLU

Directsupport: 018-67 6600 option 1
