
Strategy under development

Published: 11 November 2019

During 2019, SLU has begun developing a new strategy for 2021–2025.

The general purpose of the university's strategy work is creating a joint direction for the entire operation. The strategy will act as support for all organisational levels, for example regarding priorities, by establishing the objectives in question.

In parallel with SLU's general strategy, faculty strategies will also be developed. The work with NJ's faculty strategy is led by the dean, with the support from a strategy group, and the work will be based on discussion, participation and connection to the operation through the entire process.


The NJ Faculty's steering group for the strategy work:
Torleif Härd, Chair
Göran Bergqvist
Helena Hansson
Marina Queiroz

The university's general strategy and the faculty strategies will be submitted for approval during autumn 2020.

More information about SLU's ongoing strategy work

Related pages:


Marnie Hancke
Research Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU, +46 18 671181