
AgriFoSe2030 associated researcher gets the Outstanding Research Award 2018

Published: 19 November 2018

The AgriFoSe2030 associated researcher Dr Daovy Kongmanila, is congratulated for receiving “the Outstanding Research Award 2018”.

The SLU alumni Daovy Kongmanila is the first researcher in Laos getting the award in the area of goat nutrition and management.

– AgriFoSe has made it possible for Daovy to scale up her outreach and many goat famers, extension officers and local village leaders have been trained and informed about the best practices regarding goat production in Laos, says Sofia Boqvist, theme leader of AgriFoSe2030's Theme 4, Livestock-keeping among smallholders for a nutritious diet and increased food security. 


About AgriFoSe2030

The AgriFoSe2030 programme contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production on existing agricultural land; the aim is to do so by transforming practices toward more efficient use of human, financial and natural resources.

Theme 4 - Livestock-keeping among smallholders for a nutritious diet and increased food security aim to fight nutrient deficiency by increasing productivity in animal production, find mechanisms to facilitate inclusion of poor smallholders in markets to ensure profitable sale of their products and develop animal production systems and markets that benefit women and young people.

Related pages:


Portrait photo of a woman, photo.Sofia Boqvist, Associate Professor

Programme Director of AgriFoSe2030
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, SLU
Phone: +46 18-67 23 88, +46 72-240 34 94




