
Food Evolution - film screening and discussion

Published: 30 August 2017

In the GMO debate, both pro and anti camps claim science is on their side. Who’s right? With the movie FOOD EVOLUTION director Scott Hamilton Kennedy wish to show how easily misinformation, confusion and fear can overwhelm objective analysis. On September 26, Food Evolution will be featured at Campus Ultuna. The audience is encouraged to remain after the movie for a discussion of its contents. Sign up on time - the number of seats is limited!

How do we ensure that our food supply is safe, and that everyone has enough to eat? How do we feed the world while also protecting the planet? Has genetic engineering increased or decreased pesticide use? Are GMO foods bad for your health? And, most importantly, what data, evidence and sources are we using to approach these important questions? These are some of the issues raised by the Academy Award-nominated director Scott Hamilton Kennedy in his documentary Food Evolution.

The film was first screened at the DOC NYC in November 2016 and has been shown in several places in the US and Australia during the summer of 2017 - now Mistra Biotech is screening it at SLU in Ultuna. The film is just over 90 minutes long and will be followed by a moderator-led discussion.

Read more and sign up here!

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