
The future of natural pastures in Sweden

Published: 22 June 2017

In early March, the researchers Emelie Waldén and Simon Jakobsson from Stockholm University invited various actors to a two-day symposium and workshop to discuss nature pastures and their future in Sweden. The purpose was to stimulate discussions from different perspecives to gain a deeper understanding of the values of the pastures, their conservation status and future. Now there is a report from the symposium.

The report contains summaries of the presentations and the workshop. The workshop was divided into three different themes, design of future substitute systems, future and alternative management methods, as well as information and communication.

The report concludes with a summary of "Summary of Actions for Future Sustainable Management of Semi-natural Pastures", where the catchwords profitability, communication and cooperation form the basis of the actions described.

The report is available both in Swedish and English here >