SLU news

Contribute to Open Campus Ultuna on 30 September

Published: 15 May 2017

SLU turns 40 and as part of the celebrations we will have an Open Campus on Saturday 30 September. Do you want to be a part of the celebration and contribute with an activity?

Open Campus is a good opportunity for us to show our research, education and cooperation to the public, other SLU staff, future students and collaborative partners. This year we will focus the activities during the day to Ulls hus, VHC and the outdoor areas in between.

For this to be a fun and successful day with interesting and public activities we need your help! Book 30 September now and start thinking of initiatives you can contribute with. We are hoping for an Open Campus thriving with activities that show what we are doing at SLU and which demonstrates our contribution to the development of our society to the people of Uppsala.

Last time we arranged Open Campus we had activities like short lectures, different experiments and gardening advising. We encourage you to think freely and creatively about how to present your work in an exciting and fun way!

Fill in your suggestions of activities in the form, press the green button above. It does not have to be a finished or well-articulated idea, it is enough that you write down what you have right now and make sure that we can contact you with questions.

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