
Workshop: Climate adaptation for bio-based development in low income countries

Published: 08 March 2017

To strengthen the research activities within Climate adaptation for bio-based development, SLU Global is planning a workshop to find synergies, new collaborations and deepen our understanding about climate adaptation for bio-based development.

This theme accommodates multidisciplinary research in three major main lines:

  • Knowledge gaps for assessing vulnerability and adaptation
  • Agriculture and sustainable management of land, water and biodiversity- potential and limitation for adapting production systems
  • Adaptation processes which are conditions for development and dissemination of knowledge

More information about the theme

The tentative dates are: 25, 26 or 27 April 2017
The information on the final date and the exact hours will come soon.
Place: Ultuna campus in Uppsala.


Before the workshop we would like to know more about who is currently working at SLU (or want to work) on climate adaptation related issues in agriculture sector of low income countries. We are therefore kindly asking you to fill this survey with information on your eventual activities, give us your contacts and indicate whether you are interested in participating to the coming workshops and other joint activities.

Please send the filled form to before 20th March, 2017 and you will be put on a sending list for coming communications.

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