
CBC interview with a Kenyan PhD student leads to financing of her project

Published: 22 August 2016

Peris Nderitu, a PhD student from Embu University College in Kenya has received financing for her PhD project thanks to an interview that CBC published on the SLU web.

– Before my arrival in Sweden, CBC decided to interview me on my current PhD research work that I was undertaking. Among the questions was what I was investigating, that is ‘Integrated Management of the Tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) on Tomato in Kirinyaga County, Kenya’, says Peris.

A visit to build networks

Her main aim with the visit to Sweden was to acquire skills in statistical analysis using R-Software, but she also hoped to build network and find possible financiers of her research work.

­– My trip was indeed fruitful and thanks to the CBC team for publishing the interview. Early June, a senior lecturer from Kenyatta University, Kenya emailed me stating they had come across my profile through the SLU website, says Peris.

Two projects become one

The senior lecturer had a project called “Development, Validation and Dissemination of Integrated Pest Management for Tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) and Fusarium wilt-root knot nematode complex affecting Tomato production in Kenya”. The project was carried out at the Kenyatta University and was financed by Koppert Biological systems and by ARF Netherlands. In a meeting with the Koppert team, the objectives of the respective projects were discussed in order to draw synergies in between the respective projects.

– Our discussions were fruitful, and we drew a conclusion that all my research activities including lab/greenhouse and field work can be covered by the ARF project. As if this wasn’t enough, I will participate in all workshops, conferences and field days organised by the ARF project.

Peris dream of completing her studies will be met

­– I am really grateful to my Supervisor Associate Professor Mattias for financing that trip, and also to the media team that published my visit. I am also proud to be part of the ARF project and I believe my dream of completing my studies has been met, says Peris.­

– I was really pleasantly surprised by this; I think it is amazing that a news item on the CBC web page lead to the financing of Peris PhD project! Says Mattias Jonsson.

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