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Peris Nderitu, a PhD student from Embu University College in Kenya has received financing for her PhD project thanks to an interview that CBC published on the SLU web.
– Before my arrival in Sweden, CBC decided to interview me on my current PhD research work that I was undertaking. Among the questions was what I was investigating, that is ‘Integrated Management of the Tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) on Tomato in Kirinyaga County, Kenya’, says Peris.
Her main aim with the visit to Sweden was to acquire skills in statistical analysis using R-Software, but she also hoped to build network and find possible financiers of her research work.
– My trip was indeed fruitful and thanks to the CBC team for publishing the interview. Early June, a senior lecturer from Kenyatta University, Kenya emailed me stating they had come across my profile through the SLU website, says Peris.
The senior lecturer had a project called “Development, Validation and Dissemination of Integrated Pest Management for Tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) and Fusarium wilt-root knot nematode complex affecting Tomato production in Kenya”. The project was carried out at the Kenyatta University and was financed by Koppert Biological systems and by ARF Netherlands. In a meeting with the Koppert team, the objectives of the respective projects were discussed in order to draw synergies in between the respective projects.
– Our discussions were fruitful, and we drew a conclusion that all my research activities including lab/greenhouse and field work can be covered by the ARF project. As if this wasn’t enough, I will participate in all workshops, conferences and field days organised by the ARF project.
– I am really grateful to my Supervisor Associate Professor Mattias for financing that trip, and also to the media team that published my visit. I am also proud to be part of the ARF project and I believe my dream of completing my studies has been met, says Peris.
– I was really pleasantly surprised by this; I think it is amazing that a news item on the CBC web page lead to the financing of Peris PhD project! Says Mattias Jonsson., 018 - 67 2450