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Fish size and growth help scientists understand how fish interact

Published: 05 July 2016

In Aqua Introductory Research Essay 2016:2, Effects of size dependent predator-prey interactions and fisheries on population dynamics and bioaccumulation of dioxins and PCBs in Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., and its fish prey, Philip Jacobson reviews why body size, growth and species interactions are important to acknowledge for understanding fish population dynamics.

This essay also highlights the importance of including food availability and fisheries in research regarding 1) the dynamics and management of anadromous fish populations and 2) bioaccumulation of contaminants in food webs. Furthermore, several knowledge gaps regarding the anadromous Baltic salmon life-history are identified, which forms the basis for Philips future PhD studies here at SLU Aqua.  

Download the report Aqua Introductory Research Essay 2016:2, Effects of size dependent predator-prey interactions and fisheries on population dynamics and bioaccumulation of dioxins and PCBs in Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., and its fish prey

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