Emergency evacuation exercise in Ulls hus
A planned emergency evacuation exercise will take pace in Ulls hus in the morning of Tuesday 21 June.
We expect all staff in Ulls hus to take part in the exercise, and ask that all units plan their work so that as many of you as possible can take part. The exercise is a co-operation between Service Ull and SLU Säkerhet (Security department)
What will happen?
The exercise will start will start by sounding the fire alarm in Ulls hus sometime around 9:45. You are then expected to evacuate the building according to instructions and to proceed to your assembly point. The exercise is estimated to take around 30-45 minutes for most staff. The fire service (Uppsala brandförsvar) will be attending and taking part in the exercise in order to make it as realistic as possible.
Why hold an evacuation exercise?
Making sure that evacuation of Ulls hus works could save lives in a real emergency! The purpose of the exercise is to practise evacuation with the support of the newly trained evacuation leaders.
The experience and results from the exercise will form the basis for further development and possible adjustments of the systematic fire safety work in general, and the evacuation strategy for Ulls hus in particular. If you notice anything during the exercise that you think is important, please notify your fire safety representative (evacuation leaders wearing orange waistcoats).
Practising for the future
It is important that all staff in Ulls hus receive an introduction to fires safety measures. One purpose of the exercise is to document it in order to make an in-house instruction film on fire safety at SLU. Educational Media (Division of Educational Affairs) will be filming the exercise. The final product will show an overview of the exercise, avoiding close-ups and taking into account the personal integrity of staff. If you see or get in contact with a camera during the exercise, try not to look directly into the camera. Act as natural as possible.
If, for whatever reason, you do not wish to be seen in the final product, we will of course respect this. If that is the case, please email Rolf.Reutlert@slu.se or Johan.von.Feilitzen@slu.se in order to ensure that any footage where you can be seen is removed before we publish the instruction film on the staff web (planned for autumn 2016).