
Department researchers get project funding from FORMAS

Published: 11 November 2016

Yesterday came the news that researchers from the Department of Economics was granted research funding from FORMAS for a project in the category Animal protection and animal welfare - promoting measures

The research project that got nearly 4,5 million SEK in funding is called "Swedish dairy farmers decision making, attitudes, and motives to work preventively towards mastitis in dairy cows for improved animal welfare". Main applicant for the project is Nina Lind and among the co-applicants we also find Helena Hansson, Carl Johan Lagerkvist, Ulf Emanuelson and Catarina Svensson. 

Project summary:

The project consists of two sub-studies, focus groups and workshops. A first questionnaire was distributed to a representative sample of Swedish dairy farmers (spring, 2016). The survey examines the dairy farmers motives to work preventively against mastitis, an aspect of good animal welfare, and whether their own health affects their work with the animals and the attitudes that influence decision-making. Part two will examine differences in motivation to work with general animal welfare issues compared to specific animal health issues and mastitis.

The aim is to consider how the dairy farmers themselves perceive animal welfare and through the knowledge generated use it to improve guidance and policy making in milk production. Focus groups with farmers will be held to create communication with our end users. In addition, we will offer veterinarians and advisors workshops as part of the effort to improve the animal welfare situation.

The project will be conducted in close collaboration between researchers with expertise in psychology, business studies, animal science and veterinary epidemiology. The project group consists of: Dr. Nina Lind (Psychology), Associate Professor Helena Hansson (Business studies), Professor Carl Johan Lagerkvist (Business studies), Professor Ulf Emanuelson (Veterinary epidemiology), and Professor Catarina Svensson (veterinary epidemiology).


Project title:
Swedish dairy farmers decision making, attitudes, and motives to work preventively towards mastitis in dairy cows for improved animal welfare

Granted research funding:
4 437 231 SEK

Nina Lind, 018-671545,

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