
Katarina Ihrmark recieves stipend for leadership in the laboratory

Published: 20 October 2016

The Faculty of Forest Sciences awarded Katarina Ihrmark from the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology a stipend for her leadership in the laboratory.

The stipend was awarded at the faculty days in Umeå. The faculty motivate its decision in this manner:

"For her leadership in the laboratory, with patience, curiosity and concern for basically everything, big and small. With an unusually deep knowledge at a detail level but also with a wide range of knowledge of all aspects of laboratory work and science, she is a central figure in many of the department's research projects."

Katarina, or Katta as she is usually called, is honored and very happy to receive this stipend.

– This was a very well deserved honor! We are very lucky to have Katta at our Department, says Jan Stenlid, head of the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology.


A smiling man in a laboratory, photo.Professor Jan Stenlid

Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, 018-671807