Work environment policy

Last changed: 03 June 2024

Through good work environment processes, SLU wants to create a safe and stimulating environment for all employees and students. A good work environment presupposes that everyone actively participates in the process.

Work environment policy

Through active health and safety work, SLU wants to create a stimulating work environment for all employees and students. A good work environment is a necessity to reach our operational objectives, and it makes us an attractive employer and place to study.

What do we want our work environment to look like?

The work environment we strive for must

  • be designed so that the creativity and commitment which characterise the university environment are utilised;
  • contribute to developing the employees’ knowledge, skills, experience and release unutilised resources;
  • inspire meetings, exchange of ideas and collaboration across subject, skill and cultural boundaries where people with different backgrounds contribute their knowledge and experience;
  • promote health and well-being as well as ensure that everyone is treated with the same respect and trust and given equal opportunities at work.

How do we achieve such a work environment?

To implement the work environment policy in practice, the following prerequisites must be met:

Joint responsibility

  • Actively participate in work environment activities.
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the distribution of responsibility and duties according to health and safety legislation.
  • Contribute to the university complying with work environment legislation.
  • Work to integrate work environment activities and make them a natural part of our operations.
  • Know where to turn for support.
    • The work climate is permissive and characterised by a feeling of unity, participation and collaboration.
    • No employee is given a too heavy workload in the long-term, and there is time to recover.
    • All types of harassment are noticed and remedied immediately.
    • Signals of work-related problems are caught, taken care of and documented in the early stages.
    • Managers and supervisors know how to prevent unhealthy workloads and health problems.
    • Managers and supervisors know how to prevent victimisation.
    • Managers and supervisors have knowledge of the SLU procedures for handling victimisation.

Management responsibilities

  • Ensure that employees know their responsibilities and that conditions allow them to carry out their duties.
  • Work for openness and reciprocal discussions to create trusting relationships in the workplace.
  • Ensure that we make use of knowledge and experience from previous changes and use them as a base future work environment decisions.
  • Have knowledge of preventative health and safety work as well as of health and safety legislation and SLU procedures.
  • Investigate and regularly risk assess the physical, organisational and social work environment in order to take the necessary measures to create a safe and secure workplace.
  • Follow up systematic health and safety activities annually.

Workplace communication

  • Information and an open discussion about the organisation and work environment exists at and between all levels in the organisation.
  • Organisational changes are preceded by risk assessments where the purpose of the change and who will be affected are clearly stated.
  • The contact between teachers/supervisor and students at all levels is characterised by respect and care.

Organisational and social work environment

  • The work climate is permissive and characterised by a feeling of unity, participation and collaboration.
  • No employee is given a too heavy workload in the long-term, and there is time to recover.
  • All types of harassment are noticed and remedied immediately.
  • Signals of work-related problems are caught, taken care of and documented in the early stages.
  • Managers and supervisors know how to prevent unhealthy workloads and health problems.
  • Managers and supervisors know how to prevent victimisation.
  • Managers and supervisors have knowledge of the SLU procedures for handling victimisation.

The physical work environment

  • The workplace is designed to secure health and safety in a pleasant physical work environment with good ergonomic conditions.
  • Employees are given the introduction and training they need to work in a safe manner.
  • Incidents and accidents are investigated and reported in accordance with SLU procedures.
  • Health promotion is supported at all levels.
  • The workplace is free from drugs.
  • All employees are offered in-service training.
  • Staff mobility within the university is encouraged and facilitated.

Mobility and development

  • All employees are offered in-service training.
  • Staff mobility within the university is encouraged and facilitated.


HR Unit, Division of Human Resources