HR Unit, Division of Human Resources
This training, Vårt uppdrag (Our mission), aims to give employees at universities and university colleges basic knowledge of what it means to be a government employee. The web-based course has been jointly produced by the universities of Gothenburg, Lund and Uppsala.
The training is web-based and can either be taken individually or as part of e.g. a presentation of core values at a department.
The training consists of written information and interactive exercises and should take 35–45 minutes to complete. It is available in Swedish and English.
After completing the training, the employee should:
The training presents the role of a government employee at a general level. There are three chapters that can be taken separately.
Introduction – A short animated film describing the role of universities and colleges in society and explaining why it is important to understand what it means to be a government employee.
What we do – This chapter describes the six core value principles for government employees and explains how universities and colleges are funded. It also introduces the specific legislation on examination, admission, decision-making and organisation that characterises universities and colleges.
Individuals – The third and last chapter allows the employee to reflect on how the rules that govern our activities affect our day-to-day work. This chapter also contains some interactive exercises.
Before taking the training, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Create a user profile in Studium
Step 2: Launch the training “Our mission – my role as a government employee at a university or college”.
HR Unit, Division of Human Resources