Occupational health services

Last changed: 13 March 2025

Occupational health services help prevent work-related ill health and, through adaptation of tasks and rehabilitation, enable employees to return to work as soon as possible after long-term sick leave. Through early measures, SLU can create sustainable workplaces and promote a healthy work environment.

Occupational health services agreements for SLU

SLU sites:


SLU client pages

Skara, Lysekil and Visby:

Avonova SLU web portal


Occupational health services are an external expert function for issues related to work environment and rehabilitation. Their staff have in-depth knowledge of the physical and psychosocial work environment. Occupational health services can offer support when tasks need to be adapted, with rehabilitation, risk assessments, investigations and analyses of the physical and ergonomic design of the workplace such as noise measurements, lighting etc.

It is important to understand that occupational health services are not medical services. Occupational health services should only be contacted for work-related issues. It can sometimes be difficult to determine if something is related to work. If necessary, the occupational health services will make an assessment either when a service is ordered, or during the visit. Under the current tax legislation, occupational health services can only be used for work-related problems.

If necessary, managers can consult with their unit’s HR specialist before ordering a service.

Who can use occupational health services?

Employees covered by occupational health services

  • All permanent staff
  • All staff with fixed-term contracts, regardless of employment type
  • Students admitted to doctoral studies and actively pursuing studies following confirmation by the head of department

In case of uncertainties, managers can consult with their unit’s HR specialist.

Researchers and other staff employed by other organisations are not covered.

Making, changing and cancelling appointments

Making, changing and cancelling appointments

Falck (SLU sites)


  • Managers and employees make appointments using the order form on the client pages.

    NB. Before you make an appointment, read the booking information below.

Avonova (Skara, Lysekil and Visby)


  • Managers can make appointments by phone or through the web portal. Employees can make appointments by phone.

    NB. Before you make an appointment, read the booking information below.

Feedback after ordering

Employees will be offered an appointment within 10 working days. This applies regardless of who the employee needs to see. For appointments made online, a confirmation will be sent by email. It is also possible to get a reminder by email or text 40–36 hours before the appointment.

How to make an appointment

Anonymous visits

Employees can make an appointment with a counsellor to discuss work-related ill health without prior consultation with/approval by their manager. This is an anonymous visit and all employees can book one such visit per calendar year. Anonymous visits are paid for by the Division of Human Resources at SLU. Appointments for anonymous visits to Avonova should be made by phone. If the employee prefers English, this should be stated when making the appointment.

Preventive visits

Employees can, at their own initiative, make appointments for one preventive visit with a nurse, physiotherapist and/or counsellor in case of work-related problems. After the first visit, the occupational health services team will contact the employee’s manager, who will assess the need for and approve any further visits. Preventive visits are paid for by the Division of Human Resources at SLU. 

Ordering basic or additional services

Orders should primarily be placed by the employee’s manager. However, provided the manager has approved it, employees can also make appointments themselves. If needed, the HR specialists can also make appointments. Basic services are paid for by the Division of Human Resources, additional services are paid for by the department/equivalent. When ordering basic services for a group of employees, the HR specialist should be consulted and the quote approved before an order is placed. It is also possible to place an order by phone.

Changing or cancelling an appointment

If an appointment needs to be changed or cancelled, the manager or employee can do this on the Falck client page. Appointments can also be changed or cancelled by phone. To change or cancel an appointment with Avonova, the manager or employee should contact them by phone. SLU will be charged for no-shows and appointments cancelled later than 24 hours before the appointment. This applies both to visits for individual employees and rehabilitation meetings. It is therefore important to cancel or change appointments in good time.

Services offered

Basic services 

Paid for by the Division of Human Resources. Employees can make an appointment for an anonymous or preventive visit without prior approval by their manager. For any further appointments, prior approval is needed. When ordering basic services for a group of employees, such as training, the HR specialist should be consulted and the quote approved before an order is placed. “Focus” career development talks are booked by the employee, but in consultation with the occupational health services team.

Additional services 

Paid for by the department/equivalent and must be approved by the employee’s manager. For more extensive measures, the HR specialist can be consulted, and quotes should be assessed and approved before an order is placed. In some cases and after a decision by the director of human resources, the Division of Human Resources may pay for additional services.  

List of all services (only in Swedish)

First day certificate

A first day's certificate can be requested by the employer according to the Sick Pay Act if there are special reasons. A sickness certificate is then submitted already on day one, the so-called first-day certificate. Special reasons for a first-day certificate can be, for example, repeated and short periods of illness or extended control during rehabilitation.
Before a decision on a first-day certificate is made, the employees labor organization must be informed of the intended decision and the llabor organization has the right to request negotiations with the employer about the intended decision.
A decision on a first day certificate is then issued by manager, contact HR specialist for a template. The manager then activates the first day certificate service, read more here.

Handling invoices and invoice specifications

Handling invoices and invoice specifications

Invoices and invoice specifications for basic services are handled by the Division of Human Resources. For additional services, invoices will be sent directly to the manager whose invoice reference was specified in the order. The invoice reference is made up of an organisation unit code and 3 letters. It is usually the head of department/equivalent who receives the invoice in their Proceedo inbox for further processing. Invoice specifications regarding additional services are sent to Falck´s invoice specification website where the manager can log in.

Invoice questions to Falck: email kamsupport@falcksverige.se

Invoice questions to Avonova: email kundcenter@avonova.se

Contact details and opening hours

Falck, employees in Umeå, Uppsala, Alnarp and other SLU sites

Avonova, employees in Skara, Lysekil and Visby

Questions on implementation of the agreement

  • HR specialist for the department/equivalent

QR-codes to the occupational health services

Scan the QR code using your mobile camera.

QR code to SLU's customer page at Falck:

QR-code Falck

QR code to SLU's customer page at Avonova:

QR-code Avonova

Remarks with occupational health services?

If you have any remarks or suggestions regarding occupational health services, we would like to know. It is important for SLU to rectify deficiencies. Contact your HR specialist verbally and express your point of view. The HR specialist then presents the point of view to occupational health services, which makes a registration and reviews any measures.


HR specialists
HR Unit, Division of Human Resources