Payroll Unit, Division of Human Resources, SLU
If you are not ill or on holiday but still need to be away from work, you must apply for leave.
As a rule, you normally get a deduction on your salary. The size of the deduction depends on the cause of leave. The deduction is stated on your salary statement.
You must apply for leave via Primula self-service in good time. Your immediate superior will grant or deny your application.
In case of part-time absence where the working hours are spread over less than 5 days a week, a part-time schedule must always be submitted.
You are permitted leave without salary deduction for up to 10 days per calendar year:
Applies to your family or close relatives.
Family or close relatives mean:
Also: if you are a beneficiary of an estate or have the right to represent such a beneficiary in matters of estate inventory proceedings or distribution of an estate.
Use of time: consideration must be given to how much time the matter takes up as well as any trips that need to be taken during working hours. Practically, one day is given to the matter and one day for any travel time over longer distances.
There are of course other occasions where you might want to take leave for other ‘family matters’, but then you must apply for other types of leave, such as holiday or leave with salary deduction (a so called ‘private matter’).
Examples of ’family matters’ where leave may be granted but with salary deduction (or holiday/compensatory leave):
You do not have the right to take leave for other private matters than those listed above. Each application will be reviewed. During partial leave of absence, the employer will be considerate of the employee’s family’s social issues. Leave for private matters may be granted if there are specific reasons and if it does not inconvenience the operation. SLU’s policy is to be restrictive in this matter.
You are permitted to take leave with full salary deduction on days when you receive benefit for care of closely related persons because you are taking care of a close relative at home or in another residence. Benefit for care of closely related persons is granted by Försäkringskassan. You must enclose a copy of Försäkringskassan’s decision in the leave application letter.
You may take leave during a workday without salary deduction if you are moving.
You are permitted to take leave without salary deduction for a maximum of five workdays per calendar year to take an exam or a qualification. You salary will be deducted for the remaining days.
The main rule is that you are granted leave with full salary deduction for service in the Swedish Total Defence. In certain cases, salary may be kept, e.g. during refresher training (or equivalent) where supplementary salary is paid, making the total reimbursement, including daily salary, correspond to 90% of the set salary. If you take leave to serve as a reservist, 25% of your salary is paid unless another agreement is made.
You are deducted your full salary during the time it takes to fulfil the function.
If you have an indefinite-term employment, you are permitted to take leave for another time-limited government employment. The employment must not exceed two years.
You may also be granted leave for other employments than those relating to the government if there are specific reasons and if it does not inconvenience the university. SLU’s policy is to grant leave for a maximum of six months unless there are specific circumstances dictating otherwise. You do not have a definite right to this type of leave. According to the Villkorsavtalet-T agreements (General agreement on pay and benefits for government employees), this type of leave may last for a maximum of six months, unless there are grounds for something else.
According to the Right to Leave to Conduct a Business Operation Act (SFS 1997:1293), an employee has the right to take a leave of absence from their employment for a maximum of six months to run their own business (self-employment). The operation may not compete with the employer’s operation and may not substantially inconvenience the employer’s operation. A prerequisite is that you have been employed for the past six months or a total of at least twelve months for the past two years. The decision is made by the head of the department (or equivalent).
Leave is not generally granted for an employee who has been employed at the university a shorter time (approximately a year). Also, leave is usually not permitted if you hold a temporary post.
Payroll Unit, Division of Human Resources, SLU