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Wilmer Prentius

Wilmer Prentius
Wilmer Prentius (PhD) is a statistician, who focuses on efficient sampling methods, which are probably related to environmental monitoring. He works mainly with design-based inference.


Wilmer likes theoretical problems, programming, and football, in no specific order. He teaches courses in statistics and sampling.

Link to Google Scholar.


Studied his masters at Umeå University, finished his PhD at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Selected publications

Prentius, W. (2023). Locally correlated Poisson sampling. Environmetrics, e2832.

Prentius, W., & Grafström, A. (2022). Two‐phase adaptive cluster sampling with circular field plots. Environmetrics, 33(5), e2729.

Prentius, W., Zhao, X., & Grafström, A. (2021). Combining Environmental Area Frame Surveys of a Finite Population. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 26(2), 250-266.


Researcher at the Department of Forest Resource Management; Division of Forest Resource Analysis
Telephone: +46907868286
Postal address:
Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning
Avdelningen för skoglig resursanalys
901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd, Umeå