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Nils Fall

Nils Fall
Professor in Clinical Veterinary Epidemiology, Veterinary Epidemiology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences


My main research areas are production diseases in dairy cows and antibiotic-related issues. The research is mainly based on available secondary databases (e.g. of disease occurrence), many of which are unique to Sweden, but also on large-scale field studies, designed and conducted for specific research projects. I teach basic and applied epidemiology, am an examiner for the courses Population Medicine and Veterinary Public Health with Applied Epidemiology and Epizootology in the Veterinary curriculum, and teach in the Master's Programme in Infection Biology. I also have supervisory duties for e.g. MSc and PhD students.

See also my ORCID page


  • District Veterinarian, 2001-2004
  • Veterinary inspector, Swedish Board of Agriculture, 2004
  • PhD student in Epidemiology, Inst. For Clinical Sciences, SLU, 2004-2009
  • Researcher, Inst. For Clinical Sciences, SLU, 2009-2010
  • Epidemiologist, National Board of Health and Welfare, 2010 - 2011
  • Postdoctor, Inst. For Clinical Sciences, SLU, 2011- 2013
  • Researcher FLK, Inst. For Clinical Sciences, SLU, 2013-2021
  • Professor, Inst. For Clinical Sciences, SLU, 2021-

Education, diplomas

  • DVM, MSc Veterinary Medicine 2001
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, VMD, Veterinary Epidemiology 2009, SLU
  • Associate Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology 2019


Ongoing PhD students:

John Bonestroo: "Sensor based mastitis management in automatic milking system". Main supervisor.

Selected publications

  1. Bonestroo, J., van der Voort, M., Fall, N., Hogeveen, H., Emanuelson, U., Klaas, I., Progression of different udder inflammation indicators and their episode length after onset of the inflammation using automatic milking system sensor data, J Dairy Sci, 2021.
  2. Sjöström, K., Hickman, R.A., Tepper, V., Antillón, G.O., Järhult, J.D., Emanuelson, U., Fall, N., Lewerin, S.S. Antimicrobial resistance patterns in organic and conventional dairy herds in sweden. Antibiotics, 2020, 9(11), pp. 1–17, 834
  3. Olmos Antillón, G., Sjöström, K., Fall, N., Sternberg Lewerin, S., Emanuelson, U., Antibiotic Use in Organic and Non-Organic Swedish Dairy Farms: A Comparison of Three Recording Methods. Vet. Sci. - Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, 2020, accepted for publication
  4. van Soest, F.J.S., Mourits, M.C.M., Blanco-Penedo, I., Duval, J., Fall, N., Krieger, M., Sjöstrom, K., Hogeveen, H., Farm-specific failure costs of production disorders in European organic dairy herds. Prev Vet Med, 2019. 168:1 p.19-29.
  5. Sjöström, K., Sternberg-Lewerin, S., Blanco-Penedo, I., Duval, J.E., Krieger, M., Emanuelson, U., Fall, N., Effects of a participatory approach, with systematic impact matrix analysis in herd health planning in organic dairy cattle herds. Animal, Epub 2018 Aug 10.
  6. Fall, N., Ohlson, A., Emanuelson, U., Dohoo, I., Exploring milk shipment data for their potential for disease monitoring and for assessing resilience in dairy farms. Prev Vet Med, 2018. 154: p. 23-28.
  7. Emanuelson, U., Sjöström, K., Fall, N., Biosecurity and animal disease management in organic and conventional Swedish dairy herds: A questionnaire study. Acta Vet Scand, 2018. 60 (1) Article nr 23.
  8. Sjöström, K., Fall, N., Blanco-Penedo, I., Duval, J.E.,  Krieger, M.,  Emanuelson, U., Lameness prevalence and risk factors in organic dairy herds in four European countries. Livestock Science, 2018. 208 44-50.
  9. Jones, P.J., Sok J., Tranter, R.B., Blanco-Penedo, I., Fall, N., Fourichon, C., Hogeveen, H., Krieger, M.C. ,Sundrum A., Assessing, and understanding, European organic dairy farmers' intentions to improve herd health. Prev Vet Med, 2016. 133: p.84-96.
  10. Larsson, J., Fall, N., Lindberg M., Jacobson, M. ,Farm characteristics and management routines related to neonatal porcine diarrhoea: a survey among Swedish piglet producers. Acta Vet Scand, 2016. 58(1): article nr 77.
  11. Skarlina, E.M., Wilmink, J.M., Fall, N., Gorvy, D.A., Effectiveness of conventional and hydrosurgical debridement methods in reducing Staphylococcus aureus inoculation of equine muscle in vitro. Equine Vet J, 2015. 47(2): p. 218-22.
  12. Larsson, J., Aspan, A., Lindberg, R. , Grandon, R. , Baverud, V., Fall, , Jacobson, M., Pathological and bacteriological characterization of neonatal porcine diarrhoea of uncertain aetiology. J Med Microbiol, 2015. 64(8): p. 916-26.
  13. Wolff, C., Emanuelson, U., Ohlson, A., Alenius, S., Fall, Bovine respiratory syncytial virus and bovine coronavirus in Swedish organic and conventional dairy herds. Acta Vet Scand, 2015. 57:1 article nr 2.
  14. Ohlson, A., Blanco-Penedo, I., Fall, , Comparison of Bovine coronavirus-specific and Bovine respiratory syncytial virus-specific antibodies in serum versus milk samples detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. J Vet Diagn Invest, 2014. 26(1): p. 113-6.
  15. Blanco-Penedo, I., Lundh, T., Holtenius, K., Fall,, Emanuelson, U., The status of essential elements and associations with milk yield and the occurrence of mastitis in organic and conventional dairy herds. Livestock Science, 2014. 168: p. 120-127.
  16. Blanco-Penedo, I., Fall, , Emanuelson, U., Effects of turning to 100% organic feed on metabolic status of Swedish organic dairy cows. Livestock Science, 2012. 143(2-3): p. 242-248.
  17. Blanco-Penedo, I., Hoglund, J., Fall,, Emanuelson, U., Exposure to pasture borne nematodes affects individual milk yield in Swedish dairy herds. Vet Parasitol, 2012. 188(1-2): p. 93-8.
  18. Fall, N, Emanuelson, U., Fatty acid content, vitamins and selenium in bulk tank milk from organic and conventional Swedish dairy herds during the indoor season. J Dairy Res, 2011. 78(3): p. 287-92.
  19. Fall, T., Hedhammar, A., Wallberg, A., Fall, , Ahlgren, K.M., Hamlin, H.H., Lindblad-Toh, K., Andersson, G., Kampe, O., Diabetes mellitus in elkhounds is associated with diestrus and pregnancy. J Vet Intern Med, 2010. 24(6): p. 1322-8.
  20. Bidokhti, M.R., Traven, M., Fall,, Emanuelson, U., Alenius, S., Reduced likelihood of bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection on organic compared to conventional dairy farms. Vet J, 2009. 182(3): p. 436-40.
  21. Fall, N.,Emanuelson, U., Milk yield, udder health and reproductive performance in Swedish organic and conventional dairy herds. J Dairy Res, 2009. 76(4): p. 402-10.
  22. Fall, N, Emanuelson, U., Martinsson, K., Jonsson, S., Udder health at a Swedish research farm with both organic and conventional dairy cow management. Prev Vet Med, 2008. 83(2): p. 186-95.
  23. Fall, N, Forslund, K., Emanuelson, U., Reproductive performance, general health, and longevity of dairy cows at a Swedish research farm with both organic and conventional production. Livestock Science, 2008. 118(1-2): p. 11-19.
  24. Fall, N, Grohn, Y.T., Forslund, K., Essen-Gustafsson, B., Niskanen, R., Emanuelson, U., An observational study on early-lactation metabolic profiles in Swedish organically and conventionally managed dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 2008. 91(10): p. 3983-92.


Dean, Professor at the ; Kliniska vetenskaper
Telephone: +4618671369