Julian Sagebiel
I teach in environmental (micro)economics and statistics. Whenever possible, I use new digital tools such as interactive RMarkdown manuscripts and Shiny applications to ease the understanding of complex statistical and economic theory. My research philosophy is based on the idea that learning works best when students literally observe how theory and methods work. Interest in research is maximized when students are able to apply recently acquired theory and methods. Therefore, I usually integrate applied empirical research projects in my courses. In some cases, the results of such projects have been published in scientific journals.
I am currently working in the EU funded project Contracts2.0 (H2020) on behavioral aspects of agri-environmental schemes and in the project Extreme weather (Formas) on farmers' behavioral responses to increasing extreme weather events and risks.
I am a member of several research networks including the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, the ENVironmEntal CHOice group, and the Research Network on Economic Experiments for EU’s Common Agricultural Policy.
I am a co-organizer of the 2021 EAERE Pre-Conference Workshop on "Validity of Stated Preference Environmental Valuation using Choice Modelling" and co-organize the Berlin Discrete Choice Experiment Colloquium.
I specialized in discrete choice modelling and non-market valuation. I hold a diploma degree (Master equivialent) in Economics with a focus on Experimental Economics from Otto-von-Guerricke Universität Magdeburg and have received my PhD from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In my PhD thesis I worked on discrete choice experiments applied to energy topics in India and Germany. Having worked and taught for about eight years at the Institute for Ecological Economy Research in Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin, I have gained a deep understanding of methodical and applied challenges in non-market valuation and discrete choice modelling.
Adjacent to my interest in science, I have a passion for statistical programming and data management, especially in Stata and R. I try to combine these skills with my scientific interests to make (collaborative) work more productive and transparent and to test and enhance econometric methods.
Selected publications
Petr Mariel, David Hoyos, Jürgen Meyerhoff, Mikolaj Czajkowski, Thijs Dekker, Klaus Glenk, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Ulf Liebe, Søren Bøye Olsen, Julian Sagebiel, and Mara Thiene. Environmental Valuation with Discrete Choice Experiments: Guidance on Design, Implementation and Data Analysis. Springer Briefs in Economics. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1 edition, 2021
Klaus Glenk, Robert J. Johnston, Jürgen Meyerhoff, and Julian Sagebiel. Spatial dimensions of stated preference valuation in environmental and resource economics: Methods, trends and challenges. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2019
Jan Knoefel, Julian Sagebiel, Ozgür Yildiz, Jakob R M Müller, and Jens Rommel. A consumer perspective on corporate governance in the energy transition: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Germany. Energy Economics, 75:440–448, 2018
Julian Sagebiel, Klaus Glenk, and Jürgen Meyerhoff. Spatially explicit demand forafforestation. Forest Policy and Economics, 78:190–199, 2017
Julian Sagebiel. Preference heterogeneity in energy discrete choice experiments: A review on methods for model selection. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69:804–811, 2017
Julian Sagebiel, Carmen Schwartz, Mounaim Rhozyel, Sandra Rajmis, and Jesko Hirschfeld. Economic valuation of Baltic marine ecosystem services: blind spots and limited consistency. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73(4):991–1003, 2016
Julian Sagebiel, Jakob R. Müller, and Jens Rommel. Are consumers willing to pay more for electricity from cooperatives? Results from an online Choice Experiment in Germany. Energy Research & Social Science, 2:90–101, June 2014