Johanna Tangnäs

Johanna is a postdoctoral fellow in the research program LANDPATHS and is conducting research on governing for multifunctionality in the agricultural landscape.
Johanna Tangnäs defended her PhD thesis "Development, competition and possible futures. A study on the making of sustainability in regional development policy" in 2024. The doctoral project explored how sustainability is represented in recent regional development policy and whether these problem representations create room for other conceptualisations of development or open up space for what Chantal Mouffe describes as the political to re-enter the policy field. The study draws on fieldwork comprising interviews, policy documents and observations.
Johanna is educated at Gothenburg University and majored in international relations. She has previously worked as a civil servant within regional development, sustainability, industrial restructuring and democracy at both local and regional level, as well as with development and democracy issues within the idea-driven sector.
Works in LANDPATHS, a research program that aims to promote multifunctional landscapes that are both rich in biodiversity and provide multiple benefits for a range of actors.
The research program addresses governance and management challenges in different landscapes through both interdisciplinary and integrative analyses. LANDPATHS is funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency´s Research Grant in collaboration with the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.
The sub-project on agricultural landscapes studies transformative governance within the framework of the European Union's Common Agriculture Policy (CAP).