Jasmina Sargac
CROSSLINK - Understanding cross-habitat linkages between blue and green infrastructure to optimize management of biodiversity, ecosystem services and multiple human uses
NEXUS - How does altered connectivity between streams and riparian ecosystems impact the biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and valued ecosystem services of riparian buffer strips
DOCTORAL STUDY - Bilogy with specialization in ecology (2018-2022), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Thesis: Forested buffers in agricultural landscapes: Mitigation effects on stream–riparian meta-ecosystems (Main supervisor: Prof. Richard K. Johnson)
POSTGRADUATE SPECIALIST STUDY - Environmental protection and nature conservation (2012 - 2015), Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia. Thesis: Ecological quality assessment of Lonja River upper basin based on macrozoobenthos analysis (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mladen Kerovec)
GRADUATE STUDY - Biology, program of Ecology (2004 – 2010 ), University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Croatia. Thesis: Plankton communities in the Jankovac stream artificial lakes (Papuk) (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Maria Špoljar)
Selected publications
Sargac J. Forested buffers in agricultural landscapes: Mitigation effects on stream–riparian metaecosystems. Doctoral thesis. May 2022
Hamback, P.; Sargac, J.; Grudzinska-Sterno, M. Comment on Bohmann et al. Strategies for sample labelling and library preparation in DNA metabarcoding studies. Authorea. March 31, 2022. DOI: 10.22541/au.164873296.65705956/v1
Sargac, J.; Johnson, R.K.; Burdon, F.J.; Truchy, A.; Rî¸snoveanu, G.; Goethals, P.; McKie, B.G. Forested Riparian Buffers Change the Taxonomic and Functional Composition of Stream Invertebrate Communities in Agricultural Catchments. Water 2021, 13 (8). DOI:10.3390/w13081028
Burdon, F.J.; Ramberg, E.; Sargac, J.; Forio, M.A.E.; de Saeyer, N.; Mutinova, P.T.; Moe, T.F.; Pavelescu, M.O.; Dinu, V.; Cazacu, C.; Witing, F.; Kupilas, B.; Grandin, U.; Volk, M.; Rîşnoveanu, G.; Goethals, P.; Friberg, N.; Johnson, R.K.; McKie, B.G. Assessing the Benefits of Forested Riparian Zones: A Qualitative Index of Riparian Integrity Is Positively Associated with Ecological Status in European Streams. Water 2020, 12 (4). DOI:10.3390/w12041178
Ramberg, E.; Burdon, F.J.; Sargac, J.; Kupilas, B.; Rîşnoveanu, G.; Lau, D.C.P.; Johnson, R.K.; McKie, B.G. The Structure of Riparian Vegetation in Agricultural Landscapes Influences Spider Communities and Aquatic-Terrestrial Linkages. Water 2020, 12 (10). DOI:10.3390/w12102855
Kahlert, M. et al. New molecular methods to assess biodiversity. Potentials and pitfalls of DNA metabarcoding: a workshop report. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5 2019. DOI:10.3897/rio.5.e38915
Špoljar, M.; Dražina, T.; Šargač, J.; Kralj Borojević, K.; Žutinić, P. Submerged macrophytes as a habitat for zooplankton development in two reservoirs of a flow-through system (Papuk Nature Park, Croatia) .Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. 2012, 48 (2) 161-175. https://doi.org/10.1051/limn/2012005