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Agnes Olin

Agnes Olin


I am currently working at the Institute of Coastal Research with a variety of projects concerning mainly marine protected areas and how fisheries impact coastal ecosystems. Prior to this I did a postdoc at Stockholm University, looking at the increasing densities of stickleback in the Baltic Sea, and what might make some coastal areas more or less likely to become dominated by stickleback. I did my PhD in Scotland on the growth of lesser sandeels in the North Sea and still maintain close contact with my collaborators from this project.

I have a special interest in seabirds, and have been working with the Baltic Seabird Project on a range of projects, including the effect of heatwaves on seabirds, fishery-seabird conflicts, and the use of AI to automate the study of wildlife.


2023-ongoing: Researcher, SLU Aqua

2020-2023: Postdoc Stockholm University, Sweden

2020: PhD University of Strathclyde and University of Glasgow, UK

2017: MSc University of Zürich, Switzerland

2015: BSc University of Edinburgh, UK

Selected publications

Gould E, ..., Olin AB, ..., et al. (2025) Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology 23: 35.

Hentati-Sundberg J, Berglund P-A, Olin AB, Hejdström A, Österblom H, Carlsen AA, Queiros Q, Olsson O (2025) Technological evolution generates new answers and new ways forward: A progress report from the first decade at the Karlsö Auk Lab. Marine Ornithology 53: 21 - 33.

Donadi S, Olin AB, Casini M, Eklöf JS, Erlandsson M, Fredriksson R, Kaljuste O, Larson N, Nilsson J, Bergström U (2024) Reduced predation and competition from herring may have contributed to the increase of three-spined stickleback in the Baltic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science: fsae168.

Olin AB, Bergström U, Bodin Ö, Sundblad G, Eriksson BK, Erlandsson M, Fredriksson R, Eklöf JS (2024) Predation and spatial connectivity interact to shape ecosystem resilience to an ongoing regime shift. Nature Communications 15: 1304.

Olin AB, Dück L, Berglund P-A, Bohm M, Olsson O, Hentati-Sundberg J (2024) Feeling the heat: reduced nest attendance and breeding failures in response to extreme temperatures in a high-latitude seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series 737: 147–160. 

Hentati-Sundberg J, Olin AB, Reddy S, Berglund P-A, Reddy M, Kasarareni S, Carlsen AA, Olsson O (2023) Seabird surveillance: combining CCTV and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring and research. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 9: 568–581.

Olin AB, Olsson J, Eklöf JS, Eriksson BK, Kaljuste O, Briekmane L, Bergström U (2022) Increases of opportunistic species in response to ecosystem change: the case of the Baltic Sea three-spined stickleback. ICES Journal of Marine Science 79: 1419–1434.

Olin AB, Banas NS, Johns DG, Heath MR, Wright PJ, Nager RG (2022) Spatio-temporal variation in the zooplankton prey of lesser sandeels: species and community trait patterns from the Continuous Plankton Recorder. ICES Journal of Marine Science 79: 1649–1661.

Hentati-Sundberg J, Olin AB, Evans TJ, Isaksson N, Berglund P-A, Olsson O (2021) A mechanistic framework shows how physiological traits determine fitness in two sympatric seabirds under different fisheries management targets. Journal of Applied Ecology 58: 125–134.

Caravaggi A, Olin AB, Franklin, KA, Dudley SP (2021) Twitter conferences as a
low‐carbon, far‐reaching and inclusive way of communicating research in ornithology and ecology. Ibis 163: 1481–1491.

Olin AB, Banas NS, Wright PJ, Heath MR, Nager RG (2020) Spatial synchrony of
breeding success in the black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla reflects the spatial dynamics of its sandeel prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series 638: 177–190.


Researcher at the Department of Aquatic Resources; Marine conservation and planning
Telephone: +46104784129, +46761268069
Postal address:
Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua)
Box 7018
75007 Uppsala
Visiting address: Almas Allé 5, Uppsala