2 Apr


Mid-Pregnancy Circulating Cardiovascular Proteins in Preeclampsia and Small-for-Gestational-Age Birth: A Case-Control Study

Welcome to this CRU Webinar with speaker Paliz Nordlöf Callbo, MD and PhD student at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University.

The webinar is entitled "Mid-Pregnancy Circulating Cardiovascular Proteins in Preeclampsia and Small-for-Gestational-Age Birth: A Case-Control Study."

A pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia or an infant born small-for-gestational-age (SGA), may jeopardize maternal and infant health. These complications share several pathophysiologic features involving the cardiovascular system, inflammation, and placenta. To gain increased knowledge on pathophysiological differences and similarities, we performed a comparative case-control study on alterations in circulating mid-pregnancy proteins in pregnancies with subsequent preeclampsia, SGA birth, or combined preeclampsia and SGA birth.

Please contact Susanne Lager (susanne.lager@uu.se) if you have not received the Zoom link and would like to attend.


Time: 2025-04-02 12:15 - 13:00
City: Zoom


Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala, CRU
P.O. Box 7054, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: +46 18-67 21 74
www.slu.se/cru | cru@slu.se