22 Jan


Webinar (in English): Open access, open data and data management plans – how to meet funders’ requirements

In the webinar you will learn more about the requirements from the Swedish Research Council, Formas and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, how to write a data management plan and how to publish data and articles openly. We will also present the support available from the SLU University Library.

The Swedish Research Council, Formas and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, as well as other funders and SLU through the university's data management policy, require that research projects have a data management plan and that the project's data (where possible) and articles are published openly. Welcome to a webinar where the SLU University Library will help you to meet these requirements and show what opportunities, tools and support are available at SLU.

The webinar is primarily aimed at researchers who have received funding from the Swedish Research Council, Formas or the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency recently, but is open to everyone at SLU.

The language for this event is English. The webinar will be held in Swedish in the afternoon the same day: Öppen tillgång, öppna data och datahanteringsplaner – så möter du finansiärernas krav

More about data management and open publication


Time: 2025-01-22 10:00 - 11:00
City: Zoom
Organiser: SLU University Library
Additional info:

Language: English

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