29 Sep
5 Oct

Freiburg, TYS

Excursion to Freiburg, Germany

events |
Photo: CTG/SF

Join Future Forests’ excursion to Germany for an inspirational knowledge exchange about challenges and opportunities in forestry. What will happen when the weather becomes warmer, drier, wetter and more extreme? How can forestry and everyone working with forests contribute to resilient forests and societal benefits from forests?

Update June 17: The excursion has received funds from Stiftelsen Seydlitz MP-bolagen and thanks to this, the price per participant will be lower than expected. The price should decrease by between 1000 and 2000 SEK; exact amount will be communicated later and depends on the number of participants and additional costs. 

During one week, we travel by bus through Germany with stops in different forested areas, to discuss climate adaptation and mitigation-related challenges and opportunities in forestry. We will zoom in on issues especially relevant for the German forestry context including water issues and close-to-nature forest management while making comparisons to the Swedish situation.

During the excursion, we will discuss the integration of different ecosystem functions and services and look at practical solutions for how to create nature conservation and recreation in densely populated areas with heavy tourism. The excursion will facilitate knowledge exchange between the excursion participants and between excursion participants and our hosts along the way.

Main excursion destination: Freiburg in Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg with stops in northern and central Germany on the way South/North.

Target groups:

  • professionals in the forest and forest related sectors including nature conservation and forest tourism
  • researchers
  • PhD students (a PhD course is linked to the excursion)
  • forest owners
  • anyone with an interest in forestry

Language: English

The excursion is organised by Future Forests in collaboration with skogsresor.se.


Time: 2024-09-29 - 2024-10-05
City: Freiburg, TYS
Additional info:

Updated information regarding excursion to Freiburg 29 Sept-5 Oct, 2024:

The electronic registration form at Skogsresor.se can be found here.

Please note the registration rules according to Skogsresor.se: Binding registration is done via the form and by depositing the registration fee to BankGiro 5251-4908; Skogsresor AB. The registration fee is SEK 2500. Please note that the number of places on the trip is limited. Registration is only valid when both money and registration form have been sent to Skogsresor AB.

You will find information about program items, practicalities and booking rules here.

If you have any questions, just contact Ida at SLU or Jan at Skogsresor. We look forward to your registration and participation!



Co-financer: Stiftelsen Seydlitz MP-bolagen