5 Jun


Information and Q&A about the PhD thesis template

internal events |

Welcome to a session for you who are writing a dissertation and seek practical tips on how to use the SLU PhD thesis template.

The latest version of the template (6.3) was published on 2024-05-15. You download it at https://slu-se.instructure.com/courses/1097. If you are already working in an older version, you can continue to use that template.

During this session, we will go through the template and you will also have the opportunity to ask questions. You can also submit your questions in advance via the registration form. However, you do not need to pre-register to participate.

The session will be held in English.


Time: 2024-06-05 12:30 - 13:15
City: Online
Organiser: SLU University Library
Additional info:

Registration: No registration is required, but if you want to be reminded about the session the day before you can register here: https://forms.office.com/e/nUqy8z0JCN. You can also submit any specific questions that you want us to address during the session.

Language: English

Zoom meeting: https://slu-se.zoom.us/s/9138102736