City: Stockholm, Sweden and online
Organiser: World Bank, EBA, Sida and Stockholm School of Economics
Stockholm, Sweden and online
The public knowledge event will explore critical questions on how middle-income countries can accelerate the process of creative destruction, despite stiffening headwinds caused by economic fragmentation, demographic considerations, and climate change.
The 108 middle-income economies represent approximately three-fourths of the world's population, collectively contribute to nearly 40 percent of global economic activity, and generate over 60 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions. Despite advancements in the 1990s, growth in these countries is notably slowing down and they are not on track to catch up with high-income countries any time soon. Where are these economies headed? What are the pathways for emerging market economies to avoid what has been known and feared as the “middle-income trap”? How can they balance the forces of creation, preservation, and destruction to achieve total economic, social, and ecological efficiency?