26 Apr


Global Talk: Bridging research and practice in water management

internal events | seminars, workshops |

During spring 2024, the Global Talks series will highlight various potential stakeholders who have something to offer in partnership for impact. In this Global Talks, we will explore possibilities to bridge research and practice within water management. There will also be time for questions and discussion. Welcome to the second Global Talk this semester!


Manuel Eckert, Programme Officer, International Policy at Stockholm International Water Institute, SIWI. Manuel´s work is focused on supporting SIWI's role in international processes including, the Water Pavilion, the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, and World Water Week. SIWI, works globally to change how water is understood, valued and managed.

Jens Olsson, Researcher in marine ecology and coastal fish dynamics, Coordinator of SLU Water Forum and Vice Dean for Monitoring and Assessment at the NJ-Faculty. Jens recently organized the 4th Water Seminar at SLU which brought together early-career and senior scholars to present their research associated with water.

26 April, at 10:30-11:30


Zoom: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/61212974482

Passcode: 112233

No need to register for the meeting, just click the zoom link.


Cristián Alarcón Ferrari, SLU Global's network coordinator at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, Cristian-Alarcon.Ferrari@slu.se


About the Global talks

The coordinators of SLU’s global network are organising short open seminars for SLU staff which we call “Global Talks”, to discuss and exchange experiences about research with partners in low- and middle-income countries.

Upcoming Global talks

17 May – Focusing on AgriFoSe and how to translate science into policy and practice

31 May  - TBD

You find presentations from the previous Global Talks meetings on SLU’s global network on Canvas under Modules.


Time: 2024-04-26 10:30 - 11:30
City: Online
Organiser: SLU Global's Network coordinators

Related pages:


SLU Global's network coordinators at the faculties

Faculty of Forest Sciences
Adan Martinez Cruz adan.martinez.cruz@slu.se

Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science 
Teun Dekker teun.dekker@slu.se

Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences
Cristián Alarcón Ferrari cristian-alarcon.ferrari@slu.se
One position is vacant.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science 