15 Mar

Alnarpsgården, Alnarp

Landscape Architecture Day in Alnarp 2024

events |

The Landscape Architecture Day is an event hosted by a group of second year students at SLU Alnarp. We invite lecturers and corporations from all over the field to campus Alnarp for a day in order to discuss different aspects of landscape architecture.

It is a day where all of our SLU students are able to make new connections, associations and learn new and interesting perspectives.

Follow the Landscape Architecture Day on Instagram: www.instagram.com/larkdagen

Theme: Urban Life

Life exists everywhere. With an ever-increasing population on earth, life will have to find new places to cling to. This refers to humans but also other lifeforms. 

Adaptation is everything. With more humans we will need to expand, densify and build new cities. In order for this to be sustainable we need to regard all lifeforms. From the bird that's started nesting on skyscrapers to the single mom looking for an affordable residence. 

Plan for the future. We are facing more and more challenges with climate change, increased population and harder exploitation of natural areas, etc.

Urban life is not purely about people's lives in the city, but a more complex concept that should take into account everything from movement to green structure and wildlife.



Time: 2024-03-15 09:00 - 16:00
City: Alnarp
Location: Alnarpsgården

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