16 Feb

Lunch room, Forskningshuset, Skara + Zoom

Half-time seminar: Ida Brandt

seminars, workshops |

On February 16th PhD student Ida Brandt will give her half-time seminar. It will be held in the lunchroom in Skara, but it will also be possible to participate digitally through Zoom.

The seminar is entitled Regulatory animal welfare inspections: a project on uniformity, consistency and ”fairness” and will be given in English.




Time: 2024-02-16 13:00 - 14:00
City: Skara + Zoom
Location: Lunch room, Forskningshuset
Organiser: Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare
Additional info:


URL-link: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/68978174961?from=addon

Meeting ID: 689 7817 4961

Passcode: 219020




Lotta Berg, Professor
Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare, Husdjurens miljö och hälsa
Lotta Berg, Professor
SCAW Nationellt centrum för djurvälfärd
lotta.berg@slu.se, +4651167107, +46702977107