Close-up of a bumblebee sitting on a blue flower in a field of green plants. Photo.
15 Oct

At all SLU Campuses

Save the date! One Health Day 2024

events | seminars, workshops |

On 15 October, SLU Future One Health will host a One Health Day event. Are you interested in interdisciplinary research and working methods in a One Health approach? Do not miss this opportunity to discuss with other actors and researchers and explore collaborative opportunities to advance the One Health concept.

Target audience: SLU researchers, PhD students, and other researchers interested in One Health research at SLU, as well as prospects for future collaboration.

Date: 15 October

Time: TBD (more details will follow)

Cost: Participation is free of charge and includes lunch and coffee. 

Language: The event will be held in English.

Organiser: SLU Future One Health

Note! This is a face-to-face meeting on all three main campuses that will be linked together via video conference

What's in it for you?

During the day, we will present the broad range of SLU's research related to One Health (the interface between animal, human, and ecosystem health), engage in interdisciplinary discussions with internal and external actors and researchers, explore collaborative opportunities to enhance the One Health concept, attract research funding, and contribute to a sustainable future.


More information will follow - this is just a Save the Date announcement. 


Time: 2024-10-15
City: At all SLU Campuses
Organiser: SLU Future One Health