8 Sep


Nailing: Anna Edvardsson Rasmussen

internal events |

Welcome to participate when Anna Erlandsson Rasmussen nails her thesis with the title:“Extended voluntary waiting period before first insemination in primiparous dairy cows - Effects on milk production, fertility, and health”.

After the nailing the traditional  “spiktårta” will be served.

The PhD thesis defense will take place in room Audhumbla, Ultuna, Friday  29th of September at 09.15.

We will also organize a  seminar entitled: ”Extended lactations for optimised milk yield, health and fertility in dairy herds” on  Thursday  28th of September  in the Tanngrisner rooms 14.00- 16.00.

Both the seminar and the dissertation may also be followed by link.


A warm welcome from the supervisor group

Kjell Holtenius, Cecilia Kronqvist, Renée Båge, Erling Strandberg & Maria Åkerlind



Time: 2023-09-08 14:15
City: Uppsala
