8 Jun


Department Day 2023!

internal events |

Welcome to this year's department day for employees at the Department of Soil and Environment! We will be visiting different parts of our operations to learn more about what is happening in, for example, the lysimeter facility, long-term field experiments, and Lövsta research station. We hope you will join us!

Register by May 25th.



08:30-08:45 Welcome!

Johan Stendahl
Room: Bottenhavet

09:00-12:00 Demos at Campus Ultuna

Coffee will be available during the morning in the surroundings of Kunskapsträdgården, each of you will be a member of a group who will rotate between the demos. You will get a notice of your group in advance, each demo station has an estimated time of 45 minutes per group.


Sabina Braun and Anke Herrmann will inform on the long term field experiment since 1956, impact on crops and soil by nutrient management. How can you affect soil and soil fertility by adding fertiliser and different manures?

Read more about the experiment here.


John Lööf-Gren will be giving you a guided tour, you will walk around and look at the early summer greenery. How to plan a garden with year round interest?

Urban soils

Karin Blombäck will demonstrate different kinds of ways of designing urban soils. What are the challenges in an urban environment?

Lysimeter facility

Daniel Iseskog will present the facilities available for carrying out studies of for instance nutrient, pesticide leaching. What can be done and how?

12:00 -12:40 Lunch at campus, info will follow

12:45 - 17:00 Excursion, bus will leave outside Kårhuset, Duhrevägen 6 at 12:45.

Broddbo 13:30-14:15

Örjan Berglund and colleagues will present on-going activities related to, amongst others, cultivation of organic soils, structural effects of liming and greenhouse gas emissions

Lövsta 15:00-17:00

We split in two groups and circulate to:

  • be informed about on-going field trials by field manager John Löfkvist
  • look at the milking parlour, the cattles and the calf and calving unit

17:00 Bus departure back to campus

17:30 Common dinner

Please register below if you would like to join, and if you have a food allergy please make a note.


I will have...
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Time: 2023-06-08 08:30
City: Uppsala
Organiser: Department of Soil and Environment
Additional info:

Contact Anna Strålenhielm or Britta Lästh for more info/questions.
