City: Lövsta, Uppsala
Last signup date: 27 November 2023
Lövsta, Uppsala
Welcome to attend the VPE Day 2023. There will be presentations and discussions at this lunch to lunch event.
The aim of the meeting is to bring each other up to date on research and developments in our research and teaching, and to stimulate exchange and new ideas. The aim is also to inform about our field research infrastructures and the opportunities for researchers to interact with them.
Thursday 30 November
12.00 Lunch at Lövsta conference
13.00-14.15 Presentations from our Areas of science
14.15-14.45 Fika break
14.45-15.20 Presentations from our Administration and our Education
15.20-16.30 Group discussions
16.30-17.00 Discussion & summary
Friday 1 December
08.00-09.00 Presentations from our field research infrastructures
09.00-09.30 Fika break
09.30-10.00 Presentations from our field research infrastructures cont.
10.00 Group discussions
11.30 Discussion & summary
12.00 Lunch at Lövsta conference
Robert Glinwood, Head of Department
Department of Crop Production Ecology, SLU
robert.glinwood@slu.se 018-672342