Welcome to a workshop on strategies for Handling Master Suppression Techniques.
Do you sometimes feel made fun of, invisible or insignificant in a meeting? Or that there is something at play that you feel is larger than yourself?
Master Suppression Techniques (also called Non-events or Micro Aggressions) are sometimes used in discussions, debates and conversations. They can be found in expressions, formulations, body language and much more.
Many of us can turn to using these techniques unconsciously or consciously when we feel pressured or threatened in a conversation.
Very welcome to a seminar where you will hands-on learn how to communicate when mastered with!*
Goals for the 3 hour workshop:
- learn about master suppression techniques (härskartekniker), what they are and how they are played out at university and elsewhere
- reflect upon when and how you have encountered them at work
- workshop around own strategies for counter techniques
- get theory around counter/defence techniques and confirmation strategies
- acquire some communicative tools to use next time you are mastered with
Workshop facilitator: Katarina Billing, licensed psychologist & senior partner INDEA
Please RSVP latest August 15 at this link.
Number of places limited, first come first served.
* In SLU’s strategy, under the focus area "One SLU" one of the described subcompontents are: "Active and systematic work to promote a good work environment, gender equality and equal terms is conducted, wherein proactivity and internal learning are guiding principles".
In these efforts, it is essential that SLU combats restrictive norms and power systems linked to the grounds of discrimination. It is also important to provide internal learning opportunities which allow members of the organisation to share good examples, learn from each other and work together as "One SLU". The work to promote gender equality and equal terms helps to increase SLU's attractiveness as a university.