City: Umeå
Location: P-O Bäckströms sal
Organiser: SILVA Research School
Last signup date: 18 May 2022
P-O Bäckströms sal, Umeå
SILVA is happy to welcome you to the 1st doctoral student conference of the Faculty of Forest Sciences that will take place ONSITE in Umeå
The conference is exclusively for doctoral students that work in the departments that belong to the faculty of Forest Sciences. Please register to the conference by sending an email to sdsc2022@slu.se. Last date for registration is May 18. It will be possible to attend the conference talks remotely though Zoom Webinar. Ask for the link when you register to the conference!
Travel cost support: If you need financial support to travel to Umeå for attending the conference please send an email to sdsc2022@slu.se expressing your interest for financial support.
Preliminary Conference schedule (PO Bäcsktröms aula at SLU, Umeå):
31 May
12:00 Registration and lunch
13:00 Welcome and keynote speakers (TBA)
14:00 Mingling and coffee
14:30 Emily Delin: Modelling Forest Disturbance in Sweden - Risks under a Changing Climate
15:00 Rebecca Larsson: Towards integrated pest management in forest nurseries
15:30 Mingling and fruit
16:00 Kristina Berggren Nieto: Combining new methods for increased plant protection
16:30 Patrik Ulvdal: The use of uncertain information in the hierarchical forest planning process
19:00 Dinner at a restaurant in Umeå centrum
June 1st
09:00 Therése Strömvall: Establishment and management of a mixed conifer forest - with focus on Scots pine and Norway spruce
09:30 Keeli Curtis: Tensions in Swedish Forestry Advisory Services
10:00 Mingling and coffee
10:30 Nora Sophie Pohl: Managing stand structure to restore mixed oak-dominated forests for conservation of biodiversity
11:00 Teresa Fustel: Reduction of storm damage susceptibility in the forest by using spatial optimization in forest planning
11:30 Benoît Gozé: Model-based inference for abundance estimation using presence/absence data from large-area forest inventories together with covariate data from remote sensing
12:00 End of conference and lunch
15:00 Barbeque at Skogis Kårhus!
June 2nd
Excursion with Future Forests (only for those already registered for the excursion with Future Forests)
SILVA - Research School of the Faculty of Forest Sciences,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
silva@slu.se, 0722017303