City: Digital on Zoom
Digital on Zoom
Welcome to this joint webinar within the AgriFoSe2030 programme. We will be looking at practical tools for assessing trade-offs between agricultural productivity and ecosystems functions, drawing on results from a systematic mapping of science-based material.
Practical tools to evaluate trade-offs between agricultural productivity and ecosystem functions - Looking for synthesis-based answers from science
This webinar will be hosted by the AgriFoSe2030 programme together with Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) from Sweden, L’Institut de L’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA) and L’Université Joseph KI-ZERBO from Burkina Faso.
19 April 2022, 10.00-11.00 a.m. CEST
Challenge leader of Challenge 2
Department of Thematic Studies/Environmental Change
Linköping University
Telephone: +46 708-51 93 11
E-mail: madelene.ostwald@liu.se