City: Uppsala
Carenet, Clinical Animal Research Network, is a Nordic network for researchers and animal health care professionals interested in research. To strengthen and develop veterinary clinical research for sports and companion animals, Carenet now offers seed money for collaborative research applications and pilot studies. If of strong strategic relevance for Carenet, writing time for reviews or original articles can be granted funds.
Priority will be given to prospective comprehensive research applications and pilot studies that are of scientific importance to the field.
The main applicant must have a PhD degree and currently be affiliated to SLU. The proposal must include collaboration with at least one partner from the private sector. At least one partner organization has to counter fund SLU with a corresponding amount, monetarily or in kind.
All applicants require CAReNet membership (if you are not yet a member, register easily at www.slu.se/carenet).
Proposals will be evaluated by the Carenet board and elected proposals will be awarded a maximum of 70 000 SEK each. Proposals will be assessed for the following criteria: Clinical relevance, scientific excellence, novelty, future potential, feasibility and collaboration. Decisions will be announced, and grants made available, in December.
The proposals should include title, aim, background, project description, implementation plan, budget, involved partners and their respective affiliations.
The proposal should not be longer than 2 A4 pages. Brief curriculum vitae of maximum 2 A4 pages for each partner including relevant publications should be attached, as well as a written funding agreement from the counter funding organization. The proposal should be written in English. Also, indicate an account at SLU where granted funds can be deposited.
Submit the proposal to carenet@slu.se no later than November 13, 2020.
The proposed activity is reported as a submitted application to a funding body or as a scientific publication. Successful applicants are also expected to provide Carenet with an abstract that will be published on Carenet's webpage before January last 2021.
Carenet, Clinical Animal Research Network, www.slu.se/carenet
carenet@slu.se, +46 18-67 14 38