City: Uppsala
Location: Grimsö, Ulls hus
Organiser: SOL Climate Group
Additional info:
Grimsö, Ulls hus, Uppsala
How can we push forward to an integrated zero-carbon transition? How can we together with the students map and explore ways towards climate related education? Can we integrate a holistic teaching methods and combine landscape design skills, communicative process facilitation methods, participatory rural appraisals and various other tools and knowledge present at SOL (Department of urban and rural development)?
We think that together we can. Therefore, we kindly invite you to the workshop: “How do we strengthen our efforts toward climate-related education within SOL”.
The wish of students to engage with more applied and critical knowledge as well as hands-on tools to act toward genuine sustainable futures need to be seriously addressed and requires an integrated approach. Our aim is to strengthen and further integrate our education efforts to climate change and transitions. To do so, we want to generate ideas of what is needed in different courses and programmes regarding climate related issues and from there how can we work together to meet those needs.
Any educator, researcher or other staff member at SOL & CBM is welcome to join and share their experiences and future visions regarding the prominence of climate change and pathways for transition in current courses and modules. Every idea on how we can collaboratively improve our teaching regarding climate-related education is welcome. We want to take first steps to work closer together with students, join forces with the expertise and resources we have at SOL to work towards the fuller picture students demand. Therefore, we also invite representatives from Klimatstudenterna to join the discussion.
See below for detailed programme. A simple lunch will be provided for the first 30 participants who sign up for the workshop.
On the same day, there will be a lunch presentation by Markku Rummukainen (Professor at Lund University) on climate models and the IPCC reports. It will help supporting us to come to a common framework for integrating our educational and research efforts. We would also like to discuss with him how we make sense of the IPCC models and how we can construct meaning on these models together with students to map ways forward?
9.00 – 9.15 Introduction
Explaining the day’s aim, agenda and activities
9.15 – 9.45 Mapping exercise of gathered ideas are presented - what education on climate do we have?
Attendees will be clustered into divisional groups to discuss (1) existing efforts used in courses (2) what is wished for to have on top of that
9.45 – 11.45 Breakup groups
Discuss in cross-divisional groups to add and elaborate on mapped ideas; where and how can these come into existing courses or new cross-divisional modules
12.00 – 13.00 Markku Rummukainen seminar
on IPCC and climate models (Room L, Undervisningshuset)
13.15 – 15.00 Synthesis and deciding on ways forward
Wouter Blankestijn, Research Assistant, Division of Environmental Communication, SLU, +4618671000