28 Jan

Room H, Ultuna with videolink to Alnarp, Skara and Umeå

How to adapt your PhD course to distance education?

If you would like to develop your own PhD course to be more accessible and more independent of time and location you can use distance learning methods and tools. In this session we will give some examples of courses that have been developed into more blended or to full online courses. We will also share lessons learned when developing distance courses that might be helpful for you when taking your first step.

The Division of Learning and Digitalisation and the Council for PhD education at SLU (FUR) welcome PhD course leaders to the workshop:

  • The process of adapting a course – available tools and support
  • Two cases: Experienced course leaders describe their process and reflect on the result
  • Group wise discussion and coffee
  • Reflections from a course leader
  • Summary and final remark






Time: 2020-01-28 09:00 -
City: Ultuna with videolink to Alnarp, Skara and Umeå
Location: Room H
Organiser: EPU, FUR