16 May

VHC, Audhumbla, Uppsala, Alnarp, Skara, Umeå

Train travel to Europe in the service: booking, budget and best practice

internal events | internal staff education | seminars, workshops |

How to proceed to book a train journey to Europe? What do the research financiers say? Train-riding SLU employees tell about their experiences. SLU's Environmental Manager Johanna Sennmark will present about our environmental objectives and our travel statistics. SLU's travel manager Henrik Hägerström will talk about our business travel guidelines, and our travel agency Egencia will tell us how to proceed and what they can help us with.

After the seminar, there is an opportunity for further discussion about travelling as an SLU employee and to provide input to SLU´s upcoming update of our business travel guidelines.


Time: 2019-05-16 11:30 - 13:30
City: Uppsala, Alnarp, Skara, Umeå
Location: VHC, Audhumbla
Organiser: SLU Environment
Last signup date: 10 May 2019
Additional info:

Read more about the environmental work at SLU

The seminar will be recorded and published on SLU Environment homepage, under the heading "Media" afterwards.


Date: May 16


11:30-12:00 Lunch sandwich will be served at all locations, to those who have registered

12.00-13.00 Seminar

13:00-13:30 Opportunity for further discussion


  • Ultuna – Audhumbla
  • Alnarp – Stora Sessionssalen
  • Umeå – Holly Wood
  • Skara – Nonnenrummet

Video link: Follow the seminar via streaming, access code: 9751#  

The seminar was initiated by Ingrid Strid, researcher at the Department of Energy and Technology, and is arranged together with SLU Environment.

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