City: Uppsala
April 9, CAReNet (www.slu.se/carenet) arranges a fifth networking meeting. We plan for an informal gathering that strengthens our network for clinical research. As previously we meet in the Centre for Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (VHC), at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala.
The first part of the meeting focuses on How to write successful research grant applications. We will enjoy two lectures by Professor Annemarie T. Kristensen, DVM, PhD, DACVIM-SA, DECVIM-CA & Oncology, Dept of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. During the afternoon the programme continues with a session where CAReNet members present own projects. We welcome all interested members to present planned, ongoing or recently completed projects, orally and/or as posters! We will make room for as many oral presentations as possible. During the last session, research funding bodies will give us their view on excellent research applications.
Members that choose to present posters can send in an electronic file (70x100 cm) to CAReNet's secretariat, no later than March 22. We will arrange for the poster to be printed, expenses payed by CAReNet. CAReNet will award a prize to the best poster of the day. The winning poster is selected by a jury of senior researchers and is announced at the end of the day. It is perfectly OK to re-use a poster already presented at other occasions.
Register for participation no later than March 22 using the link below. In the registration form you are asked to state if you want to present your own research, orally or by poster (last day to register for oral presentation is now extended to March 22). Participation at the networking meeting requires membership of CAReNet (if you are not yet a member, register easily at www.slu.se/carenet). All participants arrange and pay for transport to the meeting, as well as overnight stay. The networking meeting is free of charge (lunch and coffee is included).
8.30 Coffee and registration
9.00 Welcome, Bodil Ström Holst, chairman of CAReNet
9.15 Successful Research Application in a companion animal context. What does it take? Professor Annemarie T. Kristensen, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
10.00 Coffee and poster session
10.30 The Excellent Research Idea? Professor Annemarie T. Kristensen, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
11.30 The Swedish Research Council Formas, Mattias Norrby
12.00 Lunch
13.15 Research presentations by network members
14.15 Coffee and poster session
14.45 Research presentations by network members continued
15.15 The Swedish-Norwegian Foundation for Equine Research, Lina Bengtsson
15.45 The Agria and SKK Research Foundation, Pekka Olson
16.15 Poster award and concluding remarks
16.45 Goodbye
CAReNet is a Nordic network for researchers and animal health care personnel initiated in 2014 to strengthen and promote veterinary clinical research. The network is led by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, University of Helsinki, Swedish National Veterinary Institute, AniCura and Evidensia, and our activities are open to all interested regardless of organizational affiliation. Membership is free of charge and you register at www.slu.se/carenet.
Carenet, Clinical Animal Research Network, www.slu.se/carenet
carenet@slu.se, +46 18-67 14 38