City: Uppsala
Location: Tammsalen, Ecology Centre
Tammsalen, Ecology Centre, Uppsala
Seminar by Anneli Lundkvist about the long-term field experiments at the NJ-faculty, SLU. During the seminar, you will get information about the long-term experiments and how you should proceed if you would like to use the long-term experiments for your own research.
Long-term field experiments are used to study how crops, crop rotation and crop and site management practices affect crop production, crop quality and environmental site quality in the long term.
The experiments are funded by the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (NJ Faculty) at SLU. The responsibility for individual experiments is delegated to departments at the Faculty, which in turn have appointed a manager for all experiments. The work is coordinated by the Steering Group for Long-term Experiments. The data collected in these experiments constitute a unique and valuable resource for research, teaching and advisory work.
The Faculty is happy to see the experiments themselves and the data collected in the experiments being used for research, teaching and information purposes, also by people other than those directly involved.
However, in order for the material and data from the experiments to be used correctly, there is a need for detailed knowledge of experiment management, sampling methods and statistical design. The design and management of the experiments may have frequently been altered over the years, making interpretation of the results particularly sensitive.