Name tags

Last changed: 16 January 2025
Name tag with SLU profile made in plastic.

You can create name badges for an occasion or name tags that are used daily. Below you can download templates for name badges to be printed on paper and placed in a clear plastic holder. You can also contact the graphic design service to create a personalized name tag printed directly on a hard plastic tag.

Name badges for printing on paper

The nameplates are available with many different wedge and background colors and in two different formats, 72x37 mm and 92x55 mm. The 92x55 mm signs are available on sheets and for printing individually.

The nameplates are most often used with first names only, but there is also space for surnames. On the line below the name, it is also possible to write the title or department in a smaller font.

All name badges are available as InDesign template documents and in PDF format that can be edited directly in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Name badges

Graphic Services produces nameplates in hard plastic with a magnetic fastener. For price information and ordering, contact Graphic Services. Specify color choice, quantity and name details.



Grafisk service
Division of Services, Security and Environment (SSM), SLU Services

Alnarp: +46(0) 40-41 50 09 (Peter Sjöholm)
Visiting and delivery address: Sundsvägen 6, 234 56 Alnarp
Postal address: P.O. Box 190, 234 22 Lomma

Ultuna och övriga orter: +46(0) 18-67 27 88
Visiting address: Almas allé 8, 756 51 Uppsala (Servicecenter, Ulls hus)
Delivery address: Godsmottagningen, Ulls gränd 1, 756 51 Uppsala